Smallest possible video transmitter.

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Newbie level 4
Apr 27, 2010
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Can someone help me find schematic for very small video TX. Something like this:
I like use it for short distance, for power i can use only 3,7v battery, so low power consumption is required.
From Google I could not find anything like this.

There are few unknowns.
Is nothing specified about modulation used.
Also 1900MHz is not a free-license band, whatever power is transmitting.

Why not you consider making an antenna with the specified dimensions? But still vfone is right you can't transmit at 1980 MHz but if you keep the range very small, then it will work.

There is no important what freguency transmitter will use, more important is size, low power usage and low transmitting radius. How to make video transmitter what uses 3,7v battery, 5-10mA, 1-2mW, with fixed freguency and wery small size?

I have small video transmitters 8mm x 8mm x7mm in size with output power 9 mw @ 9 volts DC, it weighs about 3 grams

provide e-mail and I will send you more details. I make these for some of the specialty distributors in 906 mhz, 915 mhz and 433 for the ARS users

As for a schematic for this, at this size, the component values would be different for every layout and you need expensive analyzers to tune it up properly, even the antenna length will mess it up if its wrong


even the antenna length will mess it up if its wrong

What can be wrong at a piece of wire?

Your model is 9 mw @ 9 volt, i need only 1 mw @ 3-3,7 volt.
Still cant find anything, only schematics from 1990 year or too big layouts.

@ Spyguy...I can see three wires at the bottom where you are holding. One is the Gnd, other is the 9Vdc and the third is Video? If yes, isnt the TX module capable for Audio ?...Cheers

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