Small RFID, microcontroller and memory

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Jan 5, 2023
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Hi everyone, newbie/hobbyist here. I have an idea for something and need some parts and architecture advice.

I'd like to design a small (think size of a bottletop) RFID device that when energised can pull data continuously from a memory chip and stream it to a receiver. Bidirectional communication and security/authentication not necessary, range of just a few millimetres, no data integrity checking needed. Bitrate of around 250kbps desirable but I'll take what I can get.

Paired to that would be a receiver built into a package about the side of a pen. This would energise the RFID device and receive anything sent, and simply throw out any frame that doesn't make sense.

I've seen plenty of parts which can just send out its own serial, but can any do a bit stream?

Thanks in advance.

RFID enable microcontrllers (ISO14443/NFC) are available from several manufacturers (e.g. Infineon, TI, ST, Nexperia), also smaller EEPROM with RFID interface. The processors have a strong focus on security features which also involves a lack of publically available documentation. A NDA is usually required to receive meaningful documents.

13.56 MHz couplers need a certain size, even if you don't rely on field strength and operation distance presumed in the standards. How big can the interface of your "pen" be?
RFID enable microcontrllers (ISO14443/NFC) are available from several manufacturers (e.g. Infineon, TI, ST, Nexperia), also smaller EEPROM with RFID interface. The processors have a strong focus on security features which also involves a lack of publically available documentation. A NDA is usually required to receive meaningful documents.

13.56 MHz couplers need a certain size, even if you don't rely on field strength and operation distance presumed in the standards. How big can the interface of your "pen" be?

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