However there is no padstack available for same.
Can anyone tell where to get the footprint for the connector?I put these files in the C:\Cadence\SPB_16.5\share\pcb\pcb_lib\symbols. When I add the pcb footprint in my design The design check rules works good. But when I try to create a netlist in the design I get a
WARNINGORNET 1119)NO spice template ignoring. And it ignores the connectors in Orcad Capture.
Can someone help me with the footprint for the same.
Why don't you create it by yourself.It is a simple footprint.The datasheet is with recommended footprint.
You can save lot of time if you create it yourself, instead of searching.
Try yourself,if you have any more questions post it here.we will try to resolve it
Learning how to do footprints and manage your library is a absolute requirement for a PCb designer, I would also look up IPC_7351 and "The CAD library of the future".