[Slot Antenna] Could anyone can help me about simulation slot antenna with HFSS V11

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Newbie level 1
Apr 27, 2011
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i had already draw the CP slot antenna with HFSS V11, but don't how to simulate it, and what parameter is needed. Please help and teach me how to plot the SWR, axial-ratio, gain bandwidths. the center frequency is 2.45GHz.

also the file is uploaded. please help me . thank a lotView attachment Circular_Ver1.rar

iam a new one in antenna deisging can anyone help me in making understand how to select different physical parameter e.g length and width of slot to make it to work in a specfic band,if any one has some reading material related to it then plzzz share it with me

the best study material that i can suggest you to start with is to study Chapter number 1 and 14 to understand much of the patch antenna concepts and the antenna parameters you need to study.

hope it helps.



This is the case of RTFM.

You must read the manual and do the examples. I doubt anyone will even bother looking at your HFSS file and trying to help you, as it's clear you have not tried to help yourself.


ashish,thanks for your help but can you tell me to study whose book's chapter 1 and 14?

Since this is pretty unrelated to original post (the poster basically wants someone to tell him how to use HFSS as he/she can't be bothered to read the manual), you would be far better starting a new thread asking specifically about slot antennas. Someone who does not know HFSS is unlikely to even bother opening this thread to read it, even if they are experts on slot antennas.

as far as HFSS is concerned...a lot of resource is available online on how to design and simulate. You must do a few examples mentioned in the manual to the entireity.

to aniakhan...the book is none other than Antenna Theory by CA Balanis.


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