;sky remotes use RC6-6-20 protocol
36KHz 25% to 50% duty cycle
leader 2.666ms mark (6t), 889us space (2t)
0 444us space (1t), 444us mark (1t)
1 444us mark (1t), 444us space (1t)
trailer 0 889us space (2t), 889us mark (2t)
trailer 1 889us mark (2t), 889us space (2t)
leader, start bit = 1, mb2-mb1-mb0 = 6 for mode 6, trailer bit (toggle), 20 bits data msb first, signal free time (6t) space
0 00 000 00 c00 05 c00 00 d00 00 0f6
1 00 001 00 c01 05 c01 00 d01 00 0f7
Sky (not sky+)
00000-00009 0 to 9
0000c on/off
00020 ch+
00021 ch-
0003c text
00058 up
00059 down
0005a left
0005b right
0005c select
0006d red
0006e green
0006f yellow
00070 blue
0007d box office
0007e services
00080 sky
00081 help
00083 backup
000cb i
000cc tv guide
000f5 interactive
Open keyboard (Sky, not Sky+)
0000c on/off
00020 ch+
00021 ch-
0005d left
0005e right
0005f up
00060 down
00061 select
00062 help
00063 text
00064 i
00065 backup
00066 red
00067 green
00068 yellow
00069 blue
0007d box office
0007e services
00080 sky
00084 tv/sat
0008d esc
0008f return
00091 space
00096-000af a-z
000b0-000c9 A-Z
000cc tv guide
000e8 ~
000e9 #
000ea <
000eb >
000f1 |
000f5 interactive
000f6-000ff 0-9
Sky+ commander buttons - cover open
00206 on/off
00220 ch+
00221 ch-
0025d left
0025e right
0025f up
00260 down
00261 select
00262 help
00263 text
00264 i
00265 backup
00266 red
00267 green
00268 yellow
00269 blue
00280 sky
00288 home
00289 del
0028a end
0028b pg up
0028c pg dn
0028d esc
0028e tab
0028f return
00290 bs
00291 space
00296-002af a to z
002b0-002c9 A to Z
002d1 €
002d2 !
002d3 "
002d4 £
002d5 $
002d6 %
002d7 ^
002d8 &
002d9 *
002da (
002db )
002dc _
002dd -
002de +
002df =
002e0 {
002e1 }
002e2 [
002e3 ]
002e4 :
002e5 ;
002e6 @
002e7 '
002e8 ~
002e9 #
002ea <
002eb >
002ee ?
002f0 \
002f5 intactv
002f6-002ff 0 to 9
Sky+ commander buttons - cover closed
00c00-00c09 0 to 9
00c0c on/off
00c20 ch+
00c21 ch-
00c24 pause
00c28 fast forward
00c3c text
00c3d rewind
00c3e play
00c3f stop
00c40 record
00c58 up
00c59 down
00c5a left
00c5b right
00c5c select
00c6d red
00c6e green
00c6f yellow
00c70 blue
00c7d box office
00c7e services
00c80 sky
00c81 help
00c83 backup
00ccb i
00ccc tv guide
00cf5 interactive