You might be missing a basic concept. Inductors act, pretty much, like an inductance. At 1 MHz, a lumped 100 nh inductor looks like a 100 nh inductor. At 100 MHz, a lumped 100 nh inductor looks like a 100 nh lumped inductor. It is only at very high frequencies, where the length or width of your lumped inductor starts becoming a significant fraction of a wavelength that the lumped inductor stops acting like an inductor.
One reason for this is the energy from an inductor is confined in a small space.
If you try to approximate a lumped inductor by using a transmission line, you will quickly find that:
1) is only approximates a fixed value inductor over a limited frequency range. Over a broader range, the apparent inductance value starts to change. THis is a problem in things like lowpass filters, which need the inductance value to stay ~ fixed over a broad frequency range.
2) at some frequencies, where the approximation transmission line starts getting to be a significant fraction of a wavelength, the "inductance" can look like a capacitance, or a short circuit, or an open circuit. In fact, if you study transmission line theory, you will see that the actual impedance of your transmission line changes as a hyperbolic tangent function! i.e. not linearly.
3) that structure you analyzed in ads uses long lengths of 50 ohm lines. If you study the telegrapher's equation, you know that a transmission line looks like distributed series inductances and shunt distributed capacitances. The ration of L to C governs the impedance, by Z =square root (L/C). So, by that reasoning, if you are trying to approximate an inductance with transmission lines, use HIGH IMPEDANCE ones and it will work better. In your case, make the lines 100 ohms, and they will look more like an inductance.√√