sinewave with zero cross detection track

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Member level 3
Apr 17, 2014
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Hey guys

do you know anyway of tracking the blue waveform as it is shown in the picture below? I am using a Proportional Ressonant controller with harmonic controller (PRHC) but the problem is that it only tracks a sinusoidal waveform as can be seen by the green waveform shown in the picture, the zero cross interval it does not track. Is there anyway of modifying this PR controller so it can track this waveform or do I have to change all my controller for this?


but is the PR controller able to track this signal, or do I have to look for an other one?

Ok. What I am trying to implement is a active frequency drift method with pulsation chopping factor. In literature is known as AFDPCF. What I am trying to implement is anti-islanding method for a PV distributed source using this. So far so good.
The picture below shows the block diagram.

Look at ig*, this is the current generated by the control using the instantaneous power theory. And the other ig is the inverter current that will track ig*. As you may know the AFDPCF method imposes a perturbation in this ig* current using pulses of chopping fraction, this is what I sent in my first picture. So, to make this useful, the ig current read from the inverter must track this ig* with this perturbation so that when an islanding occurs the frequency of the inverter current is out of the range of the non-detection zone (NDZ). Thus, OFR/UFR can be triggered.

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