I don't think that generating such file is easiest way
I usually write my own block in Verilog-A with my parameters.
But if you don't want do it, there is other way - in ahdlLib you can find "multiplier" block, connect to one from input pins Vsin, and source with modulating waveform to second, result - output sine with amplitude value sets by your modulating source.
With the Vsin source you can specify a time offset, an exponential damping factor (pos. or neg.), and/or a modulation frequency and -index, if this should be suitable for your application.
To generate sinusoid with linearly incresing amplitude You can used this simple python code:
#!/usr/bin/env python
import math
from numpy import arange
def main():
for i in arange(0,1800/math.pi,.1):
fileName.write("%f %f\n"%(i,(1+1*i*math.sin(i))))
if __name__=="__main__":
The result of this code is file giving this waveform: