Hi there.
First of all , you are missing the bootstrap caps on your ic's , from Vb to Vs. Your highside drive won't work without them :0(
You can connect the controller chips directly to your micro. Com , pin 4 , is ground of your driver chip and micro.Vcc can be about 12V. Opto's will protect your Micro in the event of a bridge
failure , which could put your external DC voltage onto the fet gates , and hence your micro.
Try looking at the IR2104 driver chip. It drives the high side and lowside fets in one package. Will make life easier for you. 2 less driver chips.2 less pins used on the micro(may not be important) Built in dead time.
In your current application , you have to provide the deadtime from your micro, Some have this feature built in , which makes life easier for you. If not , make sure you get it right or you'll be replacing fet's at a prodigous rate :0)
The IR2104 "does not" have any form of current sensing though , you will have to provide that your self.
Hope this helps a little.