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Simulink question about generating 14 bits digital codes from sine input

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Member level 5
Member level 5
Apr 21, 2005
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I have a question.
I have a sine input and I want to generate 14 bits digital codes.
How do I control that 14 bits digital codes have 500 or 100 count.
Thank you.

Re: simulink question

Explain more in detail

Re: simulink question

gevy said:
Explain more in detail
My input is a sine wave.
It is an analog signal.I want to transfer it to a digital signal.
My digital signal is 14 bits.
How many datum do it generate?How do I control.
Maybe I just 500.but it generate 1000.

Re: simulink question

I advise to debug model on small number bit.
For example, I have made your model on 3 bits.
Look the appendix.

Re: simulink question

I measure SFDR.I do FFt (1024 point) and I use hanning(1024) window.
If I want to measure SFDR, which window is suit for it?
I have a question.I have a picture.Which one is my SFDR.
why? Thank you.

Re: simulink question

This is a picture.

Re: simulink question

gevy said:
I advise to debug model on small number bit.
For example, I have made your model on 3 bits.
Look the appendix.
Dear gevy,
I can't open this file. There are some warnings during opening a file.
And I can't see any picture.Thank you very much.

Re: simulink question

yen said:
gevy said:
I advise to debug model on small number bit.
For example, I have made your model on 3 bits.
Look the appendix.
Dear gevy,
I can't open this file. There are some warnings during opening a file.
And I can't see any picture.Thank you very much.

you must use MATLAB 7.0

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