People. My code doesn´t give me any assincronous/latches/clock enable warnings. Only signals that aren´t being used. I have attached a better picture.
It's now non-stop working
All Synchronous signal stand according to the following form:
process (<Clock>)
*** if (<Clock> 'event and <Clock> = '1') then
****** if <sync_reset> = '1 'then
********* <statements>;
****** else
********* <statements>;
****** end if;
*** end if;
end process;
only the RESET signal is asynchronous and stand to the following form:
process (<Clock>, <async_reset>)
*** if <async_reset> = '1 'then
****** <statements>;
*** elsif (<Clock> 'event and <Clock> = '1') then
****** if <sync_reset> = '1 'then
********* <statements>;
****** else
********* <statements>;
****** end if;
*** end if;
end process;
all assynchronous signals come before the instruction (<Clock> 'event and <Clock> = '1') because they do not depend on the clock. That's how I learned!
For the solution i just had to put a missing constrain on the clock in the .ucf file:
I need to learn more this constrains things...
Thanks everyone for the tips
PS: I´m in the mood to drink an ICE-TEA