simulation problem ic5141 but no error ??

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Advanced Member level 3
Nov 21, 2006
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ic5141 + taiwan

i attach the snap of all windows , which shows the no error ,but there is undefine nmos,pmos ,

why this so ??? , any solution for this ??

thank you

is it useless NCSU design kit , every time if i goto model basicmos.scs, then what is the imp of this NCSU DK??

can use tsmc model fiels ??

it showes undefined parameters for some of the symbols that are correspond to file tsmc.

it seems like you did not set model file correctly or configuration problem in ADE.

i set model file correctly also configuration ADE properly ,
it will give error ,

i also check the model file with gedit for name , it also looking to be same , no miss match
like symbol not match etc, >> after that i keep the model as nmos24/pmos24 from basicmos.scs >> this give me result >> but what about tsmc designe kit ??

will it not simulate as it or we need to make some modification , what i am think about ??

you have a problem with ADE configuration, so you car resolve this by:

In your Analog Design Environment (ADE):
+chose "setup" ---->"Model Libraries"
+in the "section" of your transistor model WRITE cmos, nmos pmos cap, res...
you can see the description of your MOS transistor library section by gedit or vi.

i will check it !, plz keep this topic a live , until i complete it ! thank you !

why do you use two inlude files ami06N.m and ami06P.m? what they include?

ami06N.m for nmos
ami06P.m for pmos

Added after 1 minutes:

not working with tsmc ....

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