I noticed that the new MMSIM environment by Cadence provides specific sources for LTE, WiLAN, ZigBee and other wireless standards. These sources can be simulated along with the wprobe using the "wireless" option in the envelope analysis to plot directly EVM, constellations, and spectrum (with the spectral mask included). My question is the following:
Can I use the above to simulate an entire transmitter chain (DAC, baseband filter, upconverter, and PA) at transistor level? I want to get a feeling of my design's performance without having to generate the required baseband signals in MATLAB, import them to Cadence, run very long transients and then post-process the results in MATLAB again. The aforementioned process is prohibitive post-layout and I'm trying to find an accurate and faster alternative.
In general, how is it possible to simulate the entire transmitter with the DAC included for a real cellular standard at transistor level?
Thank you.