Simulation error for pickett potter horn antenna.

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Rakel Zobaer

Newbie level 2
Feb 21, 2013
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I have tried to design a Pickett Potter Horn Antenna with Ansoft HFSS. When i get the lambda for 8.7GHz and select the solution frequency also 8.7GHz than always shown error messages:
1. Fast sweep setup.process hf3d error: Matrix solver exception: out of memory.
2. Simulation Completed with execution error on server: Local machine.
But, if i get the lambda from 8.7GHz and select the solution frequency is 6GHz than the software simulate successfully. What can i do for that?
Is this is the problem for Mesh size? If it is problem for mesh size than how can i select the mesh size? Also how can configure the mesh size?

As you increase the frequency, the number of mesh cells increases. That might be why you are able to solve at 6 GHz, but not at 8.7 GHz.

1. You can change the Maximum Delta S that is acceptable. Sometimes changing it from 0.02 (default) to 0.05 might lead to lesser number of adaptive passes before convergence (and generally a coarser mesh).

2. If you want to, you can import your own mesh in HFSS using the 'Import Mesh' option under the 'Advanced' tab in the solution setup window.

3. If the memory error occurs only in your fast sweep, but not in the initial adaptive solution at 8.7 GHz, you can change your sweep to a discrete sweep. Sometimes, the fast sweep needs more memory than a discrete sweep when generating the krylov vectors.
What's the significant of delta S?
What is the application of length based mesh and port depth based mesh?
What is the application of zero order/first order/second order?

What's the significant of delta S?

The adaptive solving process in HFSS goes through a number of iterations to increase the number of mesh cells. It stops when the maximum change (in S matrix) between one iteration and the next is lower than the value given in the setup.

Higher Delta S will result (generally) in a faster and quicker converged simulation. A lower acceptable limit for Delta S will result in more simulation time (increased number of mesh cells).

What is the application of length based mesh and port depth based mesh?

Sorry, but I do not know about this.

What is the application of zero order/first order/second order?

This would refer to ?
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