[SOLVED] Simulating SPICE subcircuit in Cadence Spectre simulator

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Member level 2
Mar 1, 2014
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I am trying to import and simulate a subcircuit written in SPICE syntax in Spectre. I have created a symbol and edited the CDF file to point to the name of the subcircuit. In design libraries in ADE I have included the text file of the subcircuit. When I try to run Spectre, I get the following error which points to a spot in the text file of the subcircuit:
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
    ERROR (SFE-1180):  Model `moeen_pmos': Unexpected value '3' - expected parameter name.
This is the text file of the subcircuit:

*** MODEL Descriptions ***
simulator lang=spice
.model moeen_pmos VDMOS(pchan Rg = 3  Vto=-.6 Rd=4m Rs=1m Rb=5m Kp=9.54e-6 lambda=.5 Cgdmax=1.15f Cgdmin=1.15f Cgs=1.15f Cjo=1.15f Is=200p ksubthres=.1 mfg=Fairchild Vds=-20 Ron=10m Qg=86n KF=18e-21 AF=1)
.model moeen_nmos VDMOS(Rg=3.5 Rd=1.2m Rs=800u mtriode=1.9 lambda=0.5 Vto=0.55 Ksubthres=100m Kp=0.8e-4 Cgdmax=1.15f Cgdmin=1.15f A=1.5 Cgs=1.15f Cjo=1.55f M=.5 Is=5p Rb=3m mfg=Siliconix Vds=30 Ron=2.4m Qg=36n KF=9e-21 AF=1)

.SUBCKT THzDetector in out gnd
M1 out in gnd gnd moeen_nmos
M2 out 3 2 2 moeen_pmos
V1 3 gnd 2.5
V2 2 gnd 3.3

I have simulated this sub circuit in a spice simulator and it is fine. Looks like the syntax or maybe the parameters is not recognized by
Spectre.... Any idea?
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It may sound stupid but you may want to delete the spaces in Rg = 3 statement. It's unlikely but worth a try. Otherwise I guess the best option would be trying out Cadence's import tools.

What's with the "pchan" parameter, when the nmos below
it has no "nchan"? And Spectre doesn't care to know about
"mfg=" either.
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