What frequency did you tried?
And what about -10dB you said. Do you mean somethink like s21 of 0.7, etc? I think it will not oscillate. Only if you provide another higher/lower voltage than in datasheet, or wave somehow leaked through transistor bottom with low losses and made s21 > 1 to sustain oscillation.
I like FET's for their high gain and separate biasing of gate. And also they are good for learning, because from my experince, there are more PDF's can be found in google, where FETs used in oscillators and amplifiers, active antennas. I used their photos and S parameters to check some theory from book "RF Circuit Design Theory and applications Ludwig, Bogdanov". Using design steps from this book i carefully calculated lengths of all microstrips, matching, but get different results. Then i tried simulation. I almost sure that different results does not mean wrong, they just used other criteria, things can be done in too many ways. Most of BJT articles done in lumped components, but i like microstrips. I wanted to try higher frequencies, but without equipment it is total random mess and loss of time, disappointment. So at the moment i enjoy my calculations in SpeqMath and Qucs simulations.