Simulate Altera Dsign

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Junior Member level 1
Aug 15, 2009
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Do you have any idea about how can we simulate the design of altera component using quartus 2.
If there is any application like proteus provide us the ability to simulate by using an electronics components.

thanks in advance.

modelsim doesn't have a simulator like proteus.

Well, altera components are all digital, why do you want a SPICE simulator for them, when their characteristics are massively dependent on their placement within the compiled design.

what I'm trying to ask for is to simulate the whole system I'm trying to build. I want to simulate exactly like prtoeus if its' possible

thanks for ur answers.

when you say whole system, do you mean other components on the PCB also?

yes I mean relays leds memory

usually, it is much easier just to create a testbench to see if the FPGA design behaves as expected.
I have never heard of or seen anyone using a SPICE model of their compiled FPGA (if it is even possible).

What is it exactly that you want to test ? What type of Altera component?
For functional verification (see that the code works), you can use Modelsim as suggested...

If you're talking about testing for signal integrity - so yes, you should use a different Hyperlinx.

OK thanks for both of u it's clear and obvious it's not a problem to use another software to test my code.

the idea is I'm in need to simulate the whole system. an example you want to simulate an intersection traffic light by using a simulator like proteus but the problem by choosing altera as a component and coder that constraint your opportunities to use a certain controller. the idea is I don't want to use a micro controller otherwise it's so simple to do it.
the other thing is I want to model the system using FSM not direct code.

I don't see which aspect of a traffic light controller could be better simulated with Proteus than with Modelsim and a suitable testbench. It might be that you just don't understand it's capabilities.

I see.
You're trying to simulate a design with an IP and you don't have the source files of this IP.

In this case, you can download Modelsim - Quartus Edition. It should have the required files to simulate the component - without making the source visible to you.

**broken link removed**

Well Proteus may be great at modeling embedded microcontroller systems with mixed analog and digital components, but it's not a functional and timing logic simulator like Modelsim. The two tools perform different functions, which is clear after looking over the labcenter web site for a couple of minutes.

Seems to me like you're trying to use a pair of pliers to tighten a hex head bolt...about all that does is round off the bolt and makes you frustrated.


that's true I'm just trying to find a way for simulating/ modeling the whole system. in a graphical view.

"Graphical view" - looks like you are mainly asking for comfort features?

You may be able to achieve what we you want with Simulink and a HDL cosimulation. It's a suitable tool for simulation of complex electronical and mechanical systems.

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