[SOLVED] Simplification truth table

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Newbie level 4
Feb 16, 2021
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Hi I am not sure about my result so I would like to ask you if you can correct me. the circuit is composed of a counter and its outputs enter a combinational logic block. And it is this block that I am trying to simplify.

counter | outputs Q
CBA | 1 2
000 0 0
001 1 1
010 0 1
011 1 1
100 0 0
101 1 0

Q1 is simple is equal to output A
But Q2 is more complex look what I understand..

Q2 = /C * /B * A + /C * B * /A + /C * B * A

Simplified équation

Q2 = /C * A + /C * B

Thank for your time. I hope that is clear enough.


There are just 6 out of 8 rows. What's with the remaining two?



There are just 6 out of 8 rows. What's with the remaining two?


Indeed I forgot to say that I will use a counter which I will clear at 0110. Does that answer your question?


    Points: 0
    Just a test .... regarding your PM

I'm not really seeing your formulas in those results, but that's just me.

Please post a schematic of the circuit described in post #1, please. It might help somewhat.
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In my way of expressing it, I see:

Q1 = A + B(don't care) + C (don't care)
= !C + A OR B

Or, put differently:

Q1 = A + !B + !C OR A + B + !C OR A + !B + C
= A + !B + !C OR !A + B + !C OR A + B + !C


Q1 = A, and Q2 = !C + A OR B

Is that what you mean?
--- Updated ---

Hi again,

This is my (clumsy) interpretation of one way of achieving the required goals with standard logic gates, as far as I have understood how you wish to implement it. Maybe there is a simpler solution, or maybe this is not how you need the inputs/outputs to be configured.

If I understood the functions correctly, Q1 = A can be a single in/single out path because B and C inputs are irrelevant (don't cares); Q2 = (!C + A OR B) needs to OR A and B inputs into an AND gate that only goes high in combination with !C (i.e. input C has to be low but inputs A and/or B must be high for Q2 to be high):

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And hi, again,

Trying to think of a simpler solution/less parts, in principle, NOR gates seem a nice option. Same idea as previous schematics but only two quad packages and/or no (irritating) mixed logic and unused gates. You would need to check/think through that it really does fulfil the required functions - considered briefly, it seems to me it can. I'm sure there may be an even simpler solution.

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