simpliest seven segment display

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Newbie level 1
Feb 16, 2015
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can someone help me with this project? I have my truth table, then need to simplify using karnaugh method but it is so long, help

This sounds like a school homework. The equation for each segment will have only 4 inputs and one output. That should be easy to do manually with a Karnaugh map.

MSBR, with that second link you might as well have done their homework for them. Way to promote the forum as the go to source for those too lazy to do their own homework assignments. :thumbsdown:

I am not disagreeing with you, but this is only my opinion that such things are available over internet. He could have found it himself. But may be I was wrong.

Maybe someone should point to an article describing that nobody bothers with Karnaugh diagrams when they can just use a synthesis tool to map the logic function onto the primitives at hand. I am all for some theoretical insight, but they (the learning institute) would do better to flush the time spent on Karnaugh diagrams into lets say linear algebra or some other thing of actual use. Or to keep the specialization a little closer to home, go with linear logic.

Other than that, homework boo hiss. Please do your own homework.

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