Advanced Member level 4
It's a project of a three-channel modelling apparatus. It is perfect for controlling a camera or a simple model.
As radio modules, popular RFM01 and RFM02 on 868MHz were used. The distance in a city during the optical visibility of 700m was checked.
Because of reduced number of links with radio modules (only 3), use of Attiny13 enables the transmitter and receiver to be really small.
Power from 3V to 5V (Brown-out Detector 2,7V on).
As a plate, a remote control plate was used.
Power from 3,3V to 5,3V (Brown-out Detector 2,7V on plus voltage drop on a LED). The one-sided plate 23x18mm.
PWM signal is generated by the assembler inset. The frequency of refreshing the pulses is 50Hz, pulses are from 0,9ms to 2,1ms. After the extinction of the pulses don't occur.
In the transmitter/receiver it is possible to use an optional version of Attiny13. The voltage of the capacitors has to be at least 10V.
The program is written in C.
Link to original thread - Prosta “aparatura” modelarska