simple four position vga manual signal switch to monitor?

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Junior Member level 1
Feb 4, 2002
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buy pi5v331

I want design a simple electronic four position vga manual signal switch to feed a vga monitor from 4 (or more) suorces (PCs). Is there someone that can help me?

Thanks in advance.

---- EmBlEmA ----

Could you just buy an off-the-self video switches ?

If you want to build, you would need a mutliway switch to switch the signals. For hobbyist quantity, they might be expensive and difficult to source.

You got to specify how many throw, and how many poles. You certainly needs the open-before-close type.

Hi, Happy123.
Well... I hope this circuit is not expensive as you tell me.
Afterall in my case is necessary switch only rgb signal and hsync vsinc signal.
In a datasheet, for example, I've found a cmos named CD4066. It is a quad solid switch planned for analog signal.
But I have neve used it for this application, so I ask if there is someone thah has experience in this kind of plan.

Thank you

You can find video switcher IC at These circuits have integrated video amplifier. I've already built a video switcher for two computers for one monitor. I used maxim's circuits and it's work well.


video switch chip

1.1 RGB: pericom's PI5V331 is good for your application and its cheap
**broken link removed**
1.2 Hsync,Vsync,DDC: 4066 or other standard analog switch r O.K.

Hi Emblema,
Use relays for the R, G, B Signals and CD4066 for the Synchronous Pulses.

Hello, hoclv, Mild Seven and Crazyduck.
Thnkyu for your suggestions.
I've already thought about relays, but I need to use a small box for this circuit and a lower power consumption. So I think I'll try to use Max4111 Maxime Ic for rgb signals and Cd4066 for H&V sync.
PI5V331 is a very interesting IC, but seems is not easy find somewere retail.


Hi Emblema,
You are welcome!
Good luck.

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