In standard static CMOS, please see that, the function realized is F' (compliment of F). If you want to realize F, then you have to take compliment of that, apply de morgan's theorem and then realize it. Eg, if you want to realize F= A.B, then take compliment. You'll get F'= A'+ B'. Then realize this function in the nmos pull down network and its compliment in the PMOS pull up network to realize the and gate.
What he means is, if a function F = function(A,B,C) is given, you can either realize F as a function of A',B' , C' or realize F' as a function of A,B, C.
regarding DCVSL, it eliminates the huge number of PMOS devices required and makes the circuit capable of a highe speed of operation. (since PMOS has holes as the charge carriers, they make the circuit slower as electrons are almost 3 times faster than holes.). Also, they remove the huge load capacitance offered by PMOS and this reduces loading to an appreciable extent. Both these advantages are also offered by ratioed logic, but in ratioed logic, the output voltage when logic high is less than Vdd. Here, since we have a positive feedback, the Voh will be the supply voltage..