Where is this condition mentioned?
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ABS MAX VOLT - attached
I have attached a snip of all the places I found it was mentioned. I am not sure why it specifies this condition.
My questions about it are:
1. Does this mean that transmission from uC to Sim900 needs to be at 2.8V or can it be at something nicer for me like 3.3V?
2. Do I really need to pull it up externally?
You can use resistor divider in between uC TX pin and RX pin of GSM Module to work around 2.8v to 3.1v (abs max V). But TX pin of GSM Module and RX pin of uC can be connected directly.
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ABS MAX VOLT - attached
Assuming that you say that the 2.8 V is needed from the above questions a voltage divider sounds like a really easy way to get the 2.8 V. I have three questions with that then.
1 Assuming pulling it up to 2.8 V is needed, how would I still use the voltage divider? (I have an attached idea).
2 Should I be concerned about the size of resistors I use in the divider? I would hate to use something too big and limit it too much. (this may not be a concern because it is a data port.)
3. Why did you say "3.1v (abs max V)" I saw that there was supposed to be an attachment but I didn't see it. Also 3.1 is below the sim900 voltage limit. Why not 3.3 or 4V
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For some reason your attachment just come through for me. I understand now why you said 3.1 V is the MAX now and why shooting for 2.8 V isn't such a bad idea. I would also assume that I should choose the resistance in my voltage divider to limit my current to under 10mA seeing how I input* is 10ma from your attachment. I do still have that question about if why and how the RXD pin needs to be pulled up to VDD_EXT?