I am working with SIM900 module. the schematic of my circuit is here
I turn on SIM900 by applying a low level voltage to the PWRKEY pin. after that, the STATUS pin doesn't go high and the NET pin is always off.
and also SIM900 draws about 120 mA current, that is not normal.
In my circuit, i have also connected the NRESET pin of SIM900 to PD7 pin of the microcontroller.
At first, i configured this pin as output with logical 1 state, and the STATUS and NET pins were ok. But now the module is not working. I thought there may be problem with the NRESET pin, so i configured PD7 as tri-state input, but the problem didn't solved. I also cut the connection of NRESET pin to microcontroller, but it didn't solved.
Is it possible that SIM900 has stopped working?
thanks a lot.