SIM900 sms read and delete

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Junior Member level 3
Jun 8, 2010
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I would like to wait in loop for sms message arrival on my SIM900 and when message is detected , read that message and delete it from the system.
What's bothering me is what if another message comes while I am working on this one (Unsolicited message info) and do delition.

What is proper algorithm to handle sms reading and deletion?

It's your decision if you want any unsolicited messages about SMS arrival. You can even have the SMS itself delivered in an unsolicited message instead of storing it to SIM card. We use this technique e.g. in TETRA terminals that don't have SMS storage to nonvolatile memory.

The default handling is storage to SIM card, respectively you won't miss it if you occasionally poll for unread messages. Or primarly rely on unsolicited delivery notification.

So if I undestood you right, I can get sms message as unsolicited info in whole (notification and message itself) without any query, just need to wait for available bytes to be read and process them?

Only thing I need to be sure is that my software reading com port be prepeared before messages come into the modem so I don't skip messages, right?

Tnx for helping out!

PS: I've found AT+CNMI command, but playing with options couldn't get it to output sms to screen, I work in text mode, maybe that is problem.
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I don't use SIM900, but I according to the ATC manual, it should be possible with AT+CNMI.

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