[SOLVED] SIM900 - How can I find out that recipient picked up the phone?

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Junior Member level 3
Nov 17, 2013
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Hi everybody!

I'm making some device which will play some voice message when recipient will pick up his phone. So I need some AT command which tells me that recipient picks up the phone (SIM900 returns for example string "PICKED UP", "RINGING" OR similar) and after this moment I will start playing voice message.

I looked into AT app note and found the AT command AT+CPAS but it returns "4" (call in progress) just after successful ATD+xxxxxxxxxxx; command. But again, I need information if the user picks up the phone not if call is in progress.

Could you tell me how can it be done (or if it is possible), please? I have searched in AT app note & this forum without success thank you so much!

Try with
I think there you can get the connected or some related event by which you can produce the music


I tried AT+CSSN without success.

BUT I found the solution :smile: It is AT+CLCC commnad. If I changed this command to enable, SIM900 returns +CLCC message which includes complete status of call

At first I sent AT+CLCC=1 to SIM900

Now SIM900 automatically returns +CLCC messages like this:

First +CLCC message is recieved when I establish a call and phone on the other side is ringing
Second +CLCC message is recieved when recipient pick up the phone
And last +CLCC message is recieved when recipient hang up the phone

The nubmer which I underlined with green line is a status code (0 - active call, 3-alerting, 6-disconnect)

kindly send me CLCC code i am unable to do that function:sad:

There is no special code. I activated CLCC mode with this:


Thats all. You will get CLCC message automatically when phone call is established or canceled.

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