@micman & @mehdi-elec,
Before trying to set the alarm pls check your current time using the command AT+CCLK?
The alarm must be always greater than the time shown in the response of AT+CCLK command.
By default, SIM900 takes the time automatically from the network once it is connected to the network.
If CCLK is not updated, then update it manually..Once this is done...Pls use the below methods to set the alarm.
To set alarm without recurrence of day:
AT+CALA="yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss",2 2-index of alarm----ranges from 1 to 5
To set alarm with recurrence on all day or on particular day of week:
AT+CALA="hh:mm:ss",2,7 ----> for example alarm set at time on sunday....
0-all days of the week
Note: 1. If single alarm is set, it can be over written with new value.
2. If reoccurrence alarm is set. it cannot be over written..instead del the alarm and set new again.