Re: sim300 cant send ctrlZ ..its showing -> when im sending 26 =ctrl+z=0x1a;pic16f877
have you made its hardware or simulating it?
if you have made its hardware then try to connect it to your PC and communite between then just to test
I use Proton BASIC compiler here is my working code
Print At 1,1,"MODEM FiNDing..."
DelayMS 1000
HSerOut ["AT",13] 'Sending "AT" and Carraige return to GSM module ' If its ok, the it will send a response back OK
HSerIn 3000, NO_MOBILE_CONNECTED,[Wait("OK")] ' wait for response ok for 3 seconds
Print At 1,1,"MODEM FOUND..."
DelayMS 1000
HSerOut ["AT+CMGF=1",13]
HSerIn 3000,NO_MOBILE_CONNECTED,[Wait("OK")] ' wait for response ok for 3 seconds
Print At 1,1,"SENDING SMS"
HSerOut ["AT+CMGS=",34,"+92xxxxxxxx",34,13]
HSerIn 8000,MOBILE_CONNECTED,[Wait(">")]
DelayMS 500
HSerOut ["TEMP: ",Dec1 TEMPERATURE,13,"BPM:",Dec2 bpm,26]
HSerIn 10000,MOBILE_CONNECTED,[Wait("OK")]
DelayMS 1000
Print At 1,1,"SMS SENT"
- - - Updated - - -
and inverted commas are necessary in AT+CMGS command before and after the destination number
and i think u r missing it