sim 900 + GPS Question

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Member level 2
Feb 6, 2013
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I would like to create a project in which i use a gps module and then i will send the values from the gps via sim 900 module to a server.

My question is that : i don't know if is is better to parser the values from the GPS or to sent everything via sim900 and then to parser to the server ???

What is the best way ?

You can send values from microcontroller through Sim900 to a server.

Main tasks of the microcontroller are as follows:
1) Configuration of the SIM900 module for TCP/IP Client mode,
2) SIM900 control via AT commands for data transfer,
3) Updating the Microcontroller display if any, when the corresponding command is received from the Server.

What is the better way to implement it?
A)To send something like this : $GPRMC,123519,A,........ (send information with out parsing them and finally to parsing these information at the server)

or B)To send data after parser f.e sent 123519 then A then ....

What is the best solution ????

What you need to do so is a microcontroller to manage the received data, storing them in the buffer (so you can format the received data and sends them to the server the format you want). I have a kit with GPS and GPRS module with PIC 18f4680 that does it for me. With a little knowledge of C programming you can do a project like this easily.
Hope this helps;-)

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