silly Q: using any pic24 on explorer16 ?

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Junior Member level 2
Mar 18, 2009
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uart explorer 16 programming

I am using the Explorer 16 board and a PIC24FJ128GA010 which only has 2 UARTs.

So in order to have access to at least 3 UART's i was thinking of just changing the chip to a PIC24FJ128GA110 which has 4 UART's. in what sense will my program be different? And does this chip work with the Explorer 16? (both chips are 100 pins)

Also if i choose to get a PIC24FJ256GA110 will this work on the Expl 16 and would i need to make any changes to my C program? how is it different than the PIC24FJ128?

Try to explain to me like i was 5. I am just starting up in the wonderful world of microcontrollers...

Thank you!

explorer16 + keyboard ps/2

Have a look at that datasheet at page 3

You'll see that the main difference between PIC24FJ256GA110 and PIC24FJ128GA110 is the program memory: the first one got 256K and the second 128K.

So, they are fully compatible. You just have to include the MCU of your choice in your project.

PS: but I'm not sure if there is any PIC24FJ256GA110-PIM on the market

Best regards

explorer16 + pic 24 + programs

how am i supposed to plug into my explorer 16 of they don't make pim for them...?

i don't think i need the extra memory. the PIC24FJ128GA110

Added after 1 minutes:

how am i supposed to plug into my explorer 16 of they don't make pim for them...?

i don't think i need the extra memory. the PIC24FJ128GA110 would be just long as there is a PIM for it..

and does anybody know a number for technical support for microchip? all they have is the email thing and i don't know how fast that is...

explorer 16 board

You have 3 possibilities to solve your problem:

1- you can build a PIM your self. It won't take you 24 hours to do that, if you got PCB development hardware. Just use the schematic shipped with the board.
I did it myself that why I'm advising you.

2-you can design a new developement board using the Explorer 16 as example integrating the PIC24FJ256GA110.

3-you can use the Explorer 16 and the PIC24FJ128GA010: in that case since there are only 2 UARTS, you will implement all further UARTS in software.


I found a way to build a multiplexer/demultiplexer plus level shifter circuit to use in this case. i haven't tested it because im still figuring out the programming part. what do you guys things should this work?


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