signal separation in time or frequency domain??

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Member level 5
Mar 1, 2006
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How we can separate two signals that overlap in frequency domain ?

one signal is narrow (10 MHz bandwidth) and stronger and another signal is wide band (50 MHz) and weaker than.
which software methodes exist in this subject?

yes, they overlap in time domain.
the first solution may be considered, is averaging. but non of the signals have random behaviour (like white noise).
therefor i wish to find another way for signal separation .

Hi again,

Please, forget my first question. It was not so nice!

What are the center frequencies of these two signals?

If these signals have central frequencies that, in association with their bands, promote overlapping in any frequency, you may try to use Independent Component Analysis (ICA), but it's needed to fill out a couple of requirements to use ICA in an effective way.

Can you give more informations about these signals?

Best regards.

signal 1 is harmonic of an image with f0=75 MHz and BW=50 MHz - (50-100 MHz).
signal 2 is belomng to fm radio (for example 88-108 MHz) . of course many signals exist in that band. but we can use simplification and assume 88-90 MHz.

tha main signal that i search for extraction in buzzy bands is a signal tha extends from 0-50 MHz and it's harmonics extended to 1GHz each 50 MHz. (50-100 , 100-150 , ... MHz).

in radio spectrum we have many signals tha ocupy some bands that overlap the main signal and it's harmonices. if we have only one harmonic of the signal, we can use it (beloww 500 MHz).

thank you for attention and responding.

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