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Signal Demodulation. Please Help!!!

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Newbie level 5
Feb 17, 2010
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I have recorded .wav file with modulated signal! Image file attached... Anyone knows what type of modulation is used to modulate that signal[/img]

Well, maybe you right...

I'm not an expert at DSP, I just started to read about it a month ago and need someone to point me in a right direction...

maybe my bandpass filter is not right... as you said it seems like AM but AM modulation has a smooth transition between peaks, mine doesn't look like that.

I can tell you one thing for sure that it's a binary data, but I can't figure out where is 0 and where is 1 and I don't know what kind of encoding is being used

sounds simple high peak 1 low peak 0, but also there is such thing as noise which can be mistaken for 0

too many buts and "seems like a simple AM" ???

If its a binary datasream, you must know: are the bit times of equivalent lenght?
Hier is a fifferent time volumen to find in both cases; as for 0s & 1s too...
Or you have very much disturband signals/spikes in/on your data lines & eventulell complett electronics?
Seems if your GND lines and bypassings atent OK:-(?

looks little bit like DSB-SC (Double-sideband suppressed-carrier transmission)

but I'm not 100% sure... the thing is that my full time job kills me I have no time for experiments :(

I'm using USRP running on linux (GNU RADIO),(not familiar with matlab, I have it installed but once again no time to learn it)..that's why I need somebody to point in a right direction...someone who has experience... I'm trying to demodulate RF signal that I captured, I guess I have to use some more filters first to get a better looking output

Hi bOrmqn23,
Inpossible to be aDSB signal: these one has continous phases...

can you upload the waveform so that we can do some experiments?

the URL is below

anyway that signal is output from band pass filter, maybe the parameters of band pass filter are not set properly and I get deformed wave? or maybe I have to use more filters to get a better looking waveform..?

If you get a chance please look at it...

this atachament is not complete_pls repair it!!

Your uploading is to check or reload...

karesz I'm not a technical guy :( that signal was taken directly from antena, the signal has low noise ratio(at least it looks like that to me), I just don't know what filters to use to make it look like something that can be demodulated into 0 and 1's when I translate that signal to mathematical numbers I don't see that sequence in that waveform

Added after 52 seconds:

ok, one second let me see whats wrong with it...

Added after 10 minutes:

ok here is URL, I can't upload it to this forum, they won't allow it :(

To upload an attachment:
you must write first a text, load it, than select from uploaded window "edit"/click it, you becomes your uploaded text to edit it_if you wishes, & you can attach some files, click on "add" to first & after completed reload it...

I tried to do that, but this forum rejects attachments with .wav extension

I am afraid I cannot figure it out (I am not a modulation expert) but here is the FFT...

Yes I can see exactly the same thing on my fft scope when I use band pass filter(depends on how i set low and high cutoff frequency), I just try to adjust it so the signal looks like something and not just random noise.. but I don't know if parameters are right, maybe it should look differently...

what filters should I use? I have many different options available in GNU Radio

Open that file in any Audio editor to see the signal that I captured(waveform) itself. I uploaded a picture above with a segment of that signal

Hi JoannesPaulus,
I dont tel it why so is, but for me tells your FFT as follows: the modulation is distorted, or a general AM? becouse both sidebands has same power as the carrier_its not rejected (to the sidebands) or are both sidebands & the carrier with same damping out from the modulator.
The modulation frequency=4KHz (in reality a sub carrier) then has in USB & LSB same, in both case another modulation? of ca 200Hz!?


@b0rman23: Where is the 200Hz from?
Then; why is a phase changing to see yet on your FFT scope & was not on the first picture from you?

karesz said:
@b0rman23: Where is the 200Hz from?
Then; why is a phase changing to see yet on your FFT scope & was not on the first picture from you?

you mean the wave on 'scope plot' that goes between +0.2 and -0.3?

that signal is generated by the device that I'm capturing data from, when the device is powered up it generates electromagnetic field on a specific frequency (mhz), tuning to that frequency produces 200hz wave, performing a function on that device produces 400hz wave(that I need to demodulate)

yes that a very interesting thing that I just noticed myself!!!

I'm a beginner and don't know much about signal processing...but...

phase on scope changing and on picture not because "I Think but not 100%" the signal is modulated using two techniques maybe PSK + Something(FSK??).. if you open .wav file you'll see that the signal divided in two parts...I have no other logical explanation...

that would explain why it's different....

open .wav file

Im sorry, but I dint never some thing with signal processing & cannot open the ".wav"-file too...

The difference between two screan shots is maybe from a digitizing/sampling effect?

yes i convert from analog to digital...if you have no way of opening .wav file I can convert everything into numbers... ( time and amplitude value)

open it as text

Added after 4 hours 56 minutes:

ok...I read a little bit more about dsp....the signal that is 200-300hz is a carrier is modulated around that carrier..interval, amplitude...blah..blah...blah...different modulation techniques.... the thing is that I don't have the original signal so the signal that I'm capturing and passing through some filters(mathematical algorithms)...the result that I get I have nothing to compare it to....because I don't know how it suppose to look...That's why I need someone who is familiar with digital signal processing who can tell what modulation that signal is based on...My friend....everything is simple if you know how..ok I understand you can't open .wav format...I don't know what system you tell me in which format you want it...give me the extension (unless you use hardware scope)

it is fm modulated signal

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