hello all ,
I have a problem when scaling the sigma delta modulator
I use Schreier matlab tool box, and I have to convert the gain coefficients into veriloga behavioral model
so I model the fully differential opamp with veriloga and use ideal switches and caps
I don't get the required transient simulations as expected from matlab
behavioral info:
2nd order CIFF
VDD of opamp = 1 volt ,
the input is +/-.5v deferentially,
Vref= 1 volt
regarding the swing of opamp , I am not clipping opamp o/p
Matlab info :
nlev= 2, (binary Quantizer), OSR= 186 , 2nd order CIFF,
I got the scaled values of integrator coefficients using xlim = 0.5
how to convert these scaled values to capacitor values ?
I have gone through Schreier book " understanding sigma delta " but I am lost
please help