1) Many sigma-delta modulator's simulink models include some gain blocks, whose gain value may be 0.5/1.0/2.0. How to decide whether the gain block is needed and how to decide these gain values?
P.S., The pic (SDM.jpg) is an example. The a1(a2,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2) block is what I mentioned gain block. This pic is from Richard Schreier’s manual.
2) I downloaded the free sigma-delta modulator toolbox from
I do as the example says(write a plot.m file which contains the lines on the right of spectrum) and find the frequency-domain plot cannot work(the time-domain plot can work if I write a plot.m file which contains the lines on the right of time-domain figure).
The matlab prompt hints:
??? Attempt to execute SCRIPT plot as a function.
Error in ==> plot at 21
I am sure that the dbv.m exists in the same path with plot.m
P.S., The pic (Toolbox.jpg) is also from Richard Schreier’s manual.
What are your opinions?
Thank you very much.