Short circuits GPU

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Jan 22, 2023
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I have a problem with graphic card Asus GTX970. I find too many short circuits on board.

1) Short circuits all inductor and in the same line is short all smd capacitors and all smd capacitor under to the GPU.
2) I checked all mosfet and is ok it’s no shorting

Help please Thanks
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I have developped a simple method to help to locate short circuits.

Firstly the GPU seems to be present at the center of the dissipator bracket, is it true ? It is often the origin of the problem.

After that I use a power supply, limiting voltage output to for example 1,5 v because if the short opens there will be no other damage.I try to find a good place where to inject supply between GND and POWER trace for the first test.I begin to inject a small current, 100mA, and I check voltage drop to calculate power, the target could be 1 watt and minimally 50mV measured on the board, at the opposite location of injection..After that I measure drop voltage at different directions and try to locate a component where the voltage is the lowest. I also use a laser thermometer like this one tc search where it heats :

A thermal camera could perhaps help, not sure, I have one but not tested for that because when 3 ceramic capacitors size 1206 are very close my thermometer gives the bad cap.The board must absorb at least 1 watt to help locating

To help, it may be needed to change injection point, for GND not necessary.

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