This is an example of a single chip solution using PSOC. Shown is two channels, a thermocoule and
a thermistor. To add channels simply config mux for more channels. I think you could do > 16 channels.
You could also mix Thermocouple types. All on one chip. Ignore the reference to the thermocouple kit,
shown below in IDE, you really do not need that.
Note most chip resources unused, see right hand window for resources used/left.
The unused of course you can use for other tasks. Core has ARM M3 in it. ap note
Compiler and IDE free,
Boards to consider for dev -
This is the FreeSoC2 Development Board, SparkFun’s take on the PSoC5LP ARM Cortex.
Catalog of components onchip, attached. Note in PSOC land a component is an
onchip resource. Note each component has a lib of API calls to manipulate component
in code. Rare you have to write a driver for anything.
Tons of videos for learning. Basically drag and drop, wire on and off chip using wire tool,
and using APIs implement code.
Regards, Dana.