I've seen it, trying to do a 400MHz main clock in
0.5u CMOS. Only on the setup side, as we designed
for zero hold time in the DFFs and so hold violations
in a uniform clock field can't happen.
But "uniform" is a question, clocking with some other
could bring all kinds of kooky timing events / relations.
This could be an asynchronous design, could be in a
synchronizer / domain-crossing where such things
do happen and "expectations must encompass a
reality"? The OP leaves all that to the reader's
In any case, -if- timing slide is excessive, reducing
delay* between register stages is the only thing I
know, for it.
* that's from a "flop's eye perspective" - games can
be played with local clock, but you'll get very little
love from your local MHs, the customer's or their