setting linux and xp on one PC

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Jan 9, 2007
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my computer use XP.But all my work in company use Redhat. I have never use Linux before.So I want to install redhat on my Pc to learn.But I don't know how to install.
Someone please help me.Make new partition or use any virtual machine software i,which is better?
Thank a lot

u know that the format of drives in Linux is differ from in windows. u should make a new partion and install linux on that drive. but in installing process be carefull of setting the OS.


Installing is better option

Create empty space in hard drive and just ensure u have a backup of ur windows data.

Now insert the REDHAT Bootable CD and boot with CD drive as the first and continue following the instructions

you have to make

/ (around 1GB)
and swap (double to the size of RAM)

partions and then continue

Hope this helps


at the begining, a better way to learn and experiment linux (redhat or any other) could be to use VMWare software, in which you can install other operating systems, without having to deal with partitions and other complicated things.
in VMWare, you do not have to make a dedicated partition for linux.
you can just install linux in VMWare and test, whatever you want to.
you can download a trial version from their website. you can also google to get an adequate tutorial about installing linux on VMWare.

a pentium 4 with 512 ram is sufficient.

once you feel yourself comfortable with linux usage and it's installation procedure, you can resize your computer's hard disk partition with proper software and install linux properly.


install a VMware on your windows machine. This will make your machine multi-virtual platform to install linux

Hi, I think that you'd better install redhat directly in your hard disk. And you should install xp first and then install redhat, that is very important.By doing so you can have both the OS installed on your computer.
You can find some informatin about how to install redhat on your pc through the internet easily .

I hope you wud have solved the prob by the time i answer. Anyway it would be helpful for others.

Step#1:Make some free space in your hard drive( some 10GB)
Step#2:reboot ur system with RH CD in the drive.
Step#3:Follow the onscreen tips.
Step#4:Choose free space for Linux to be installled on.
after installation, the GRUB, would give you the choice of the OS to boot.

And that is all, i think.

hi ,
If you are beginer , I suggest you use virtual machine----vmware workstation 6 for windows ,because you can install Linux in windows environment .

You have another option... You could use live linux CDs... there are some live CDs available which u insert in your drive and boot the system again... U will see linux running on ur system..

When you are done with it, remove the disk and reboot your system, you will get back to your windows..


you can install both sistems on your PC and learning linux with ubuntu, this is the most similar to windows and you can see that it is better than windows, you can give ubuntu in the installation is very easy you need two partitions to the information and the memory (X2 of the PC)

Yes Ubuntu and OpenSuse both i have found good and user friendly... But make sure that you dont corrupt your windows partitions while installing them...

i think for beginer, using vmware is a bettor choice, when you familiar with it ,you can turn to "real" linux,
also i reocmmend centos4, eda softwate can easilly be installed on it with no problem,

with ubuntu is very easy install windows in a partition and other partition with free space unformated reboot your pc with the ubuntu cd an the installation is very easy put in the swap the double of your memory and ther partition with the root /.

Betteruse VMWare. this is very good option for using multiple OSs.

also VirtualBox is good for virtual machines

it is opensource "free"

hi friend, since you are new to linux i recommend virtual machine software......i have xp
and ubuntu running on my desktop, each is installed on a separate hard drive.
good luck.

1. use vmware
2. down redhat linux

vmware is ok for u
u should have a try

WoooW Such good information i got about installing two OS in one PC

Thanx alot


Added after 5 minutes:

Yeah i think am gonna use that one " ubuntu " lets give it a try and we see ;-)

Thanx all


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