Serial Switch interrest?

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Louis Deschênes

Newbie level 3
Oct 16, 2015
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hi guys, I have designed a Serial switch/managed that can be use to make a connection beetween many uc as client/network ( working as a ethernet switch, but with microcontroller serial)

does it seems a useful tool for guys like you?

I'm not sure what is the point of the question.
You are welcome to post the design in the DIY section and I'm sure someone will find it useful.

Exaplanation is not clear.. Please elaborate briefly.. if possible provide all the details.... Peoples will always be there searching for some stuffs. Will definetly useful to them

okay, for more explanation, this system can be use if you want to use a bus communication on many device, if the distance is not too far(75m is a good example) serial on microcontroller is a good way to "talk" between 2 module, but cannot handle bus communication. The way it work: each device is adressed with 1 byte( 0-255) . the switch device get the ID from each of its client and when a device need to send a message, you must select the client where you want to send the message with it Adress. you can send message up to 64 Byte including transport frame so the message lenght will be limited to 53 byte which is totally sufficient for most of application. Each message is verified with it length & a byte summation. so it will not send bull-- to other device. this is the dynamic way to use the switch. on a second way, the switch can be use on a static way, then when u set the switch parameter, you can set port 2 always go to port 5...etc so you don't need address anymore( usefull for slave/master operation). the transport cable use is a ethernet cable rj45 for conveniance( everyone have it at home) pinout:

1 - 12V
2 - 5V
3 - GND
4 - TX
5 - RX
6 - GND
7 - 5V
8 - 12V​

the reason i doubled the power wire is to increase the signal transport lenght ( more cable = less voltage loss)
on an other side, you cannot use a cross-over cable without possibly damaged the system. (I'm still working on the protection circuit )

there is a external power supply connector inside, that permit to add a bigger power supply and the supply the client from the switch.

i'm still working on the manual and spec sheet, I just wanted to have an external view of my project. I made it for my self because i needed it in one of my project and I believe that I am not the only one who would want to use it.
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Some other standard protocols like i2c/RS-485/spi etc are already there for master slave communication. May I know the advantage of your system over others.

By the way keep doing such works. It will definitely improve your knowledge and skills. also learn other protocols.

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