serial port problems when receiving infra red signals !!

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Advanced Member level 4
Nov 29, 2004
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i did that infra red circuit that allows to remote control your pc , it worked nice for a while then it stopped working !!
i tried to use the circuit on serial com2 and it worked again , so its a problem in com1 ,
what happened the the com port , how can it be damaged and if so is there any possibility to fix that problem !
regards .

the problem come's in the serial port setup within xp or other windows o/s
with later drivers and added extras

when previous to xp o/s were made
drivers were'nt as good and not so good at being multiclient
and also com1 is always scanned by the pc for a mouse {already plug and play} at any time you can plug periferals in and they work

this level of windows platform never actualy came fully online till xp
and lots of companys are pretty pissed of
even bust as a result
so legal actions go on all the time

however the problem you have is this

use com2 always becouse it has i/r handlers in firmware
whereas com1 will detect an i/r 'signal {packet stream with the right headers} then save the data ina buffer and then load the codec to decode it and stear the data to the right place

so go tot he bios set com2 as an i/r enabled port and use this now

"dedicated port"

good luck

let use know if ccool

ps sometimes some comports dont produce much voltage
again in certain comport modes enabled states
youll find loads more current gets shunted from buffers

thanks VSMVDD , it really helps , but i was telling u that the com1 was working few minute before it suddenly stopped ,

i was experiecing my remote control and it was working just fine , and suddenly it stopped working and windows froze , so i restarted it using the reset button , after it restarted , the com1 never worked again ,

i tried to use a software called " advanced serial port sniffer " and it tells me that the com1 is not available and is already opened , while the com2 is working correctly .
i hope i can find out the problem , or how can it be damaged that way , i wasn't using an external current .

is there any way to know if the com1 will ever work again or if its really damaged ?


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