serial input to matlab

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adeel yasin

Newbie level 3
Oct 29, 2005
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matlab input from serial

•i want to analyse a low frequency ECG signal (<100Hz and taken directly from human body not filtered by analogue electronics and thus having noise and other frequency components but digitized by ADC) in matlab can i use serial port or parrell port directly? and how?
•if not then how can i do it ?

matlab 2007b serial

hi adeel,

you can give ur ECG signal to "mike" input or "line in" input (line in input must be the correct one, not sure) of the soundcard.
the soundcard (which is nothing but an ADC working at a max sampling rate of 44.1Khz).

now, you can use the function "wavrecord" in MATLAB which takes parameters like the sampling frequency, time duration, this function directly records from the soundcard and stores it to a MATLAB variable, which you can process later on..

hope that this helps..

wavrecord matlab

if you r using single input (Mic In) then simply write this code and check

input = wavrecord(5*Fs,11025,1);
and further process

if you want it in Line In , first those two mic pass through amplifier then plug into Line In (Left and Right ),

use same sampling rate , be course voice sample rate 8000 - 11025 Hz is best ,

input = wavrecord(5*Fs,11025,2);
left = input,1);
right = input,2);

use these two left and right for further process.

matlab wavrecord line in

You can use parrell port.It is easy to use and import data and no need complicated hardware.
for instruction use keyword in Matlab help
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