serial communications with PIC microcontroller

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Newbie level 6
Jan 21, 2005
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im doing a project which requires a PIC microcontroller to communicate with the PC. basically the PIC has to give some data to the PC which should be displayed on a graph. i have some experience with Visual Basic so i am going to use it. i found the following links on another discussion on this board quite useful

that solves the problem of sending and recieving the data but i want the data to be transferred to Excel which will make the graphs and the tables. how can i do that???

and one thing more. can someone tell me how to do serial communications using hyperterminal? and can i do the required task by using hyperterminal

E=MC2 said:
i want the data to be transferred to Excel which will make the graphs and the tables. how can i do that???

Hello. The Visual Basic able to do this somewhat like database. Please go back to the any basic Visual Basic Book.

If you send data in a comma delimited format, then you can save the hyperterminal to a file and then import into excel, this is a crude way of doing it if you do not want to worry about VB



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thanx for the replies

feitum9898 actually my knowledge of VB is limited to online tutorials so can you plz recommend a good VB book

and mitest i think ill stick with a solution involving VB because i want the whole thing to be an automated process. the user just has to send a command and all the tables and the graphs will be made automatically and saved to an Excel file. actually that might help in impressing my teachers

okay i have another question. i know that i can do the serial communications in C++ and Visual C++ but can i save the data to an excel file and display graphs and tables with it (using C++ or Visual C++)

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