Advanced Member level 3

I am doing a 70KHz SEPIC converter.
Vin = 100V
Vout = 5V, 10W
As you can imagine , the duty cycle is very low..........0.047
This means a fet on-time of just 680ns at maximum load.
Will this be ok?
....the switching transitions are going to be about 120ns rise and fall, so the FET is in the linear region for 240ns....
so 35% of the time, the fet will be ion the linear region
Will this have an affect on the small signal transfer function of the converter and give it a very poor transient response?
I am doing a 70KHz SEPIC converter.
Vin = 100V
Vout = 5V, 10W
As you can imagine , the duty cycle is very low..........0.047
This means a fet on-time of just 680ns at maximum load.
Will this be ok?
....the switching transitions are going to be about 120ns rise and fall, so the FET is in the linear region for 240ns....
so 35% of the time, the fet will be ion the linear region
Will this have an affect on the small signal transfer function of the converter and give it a very poor transient response?