sensor to Mux design (need suggestions )

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Newbie level 3
Jul 8, 2014
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Hi Guys,

I wanted to ask some views on my design or if you guys have any better suggestions.

So I have 4 sensors with 4 outputs that I am giving to a Quad 1:2 demux. One Chanel is connecting the out to another Quad 4:1 mux and the other channel I need to short circuit. I am attaching a block diagram with this post.

So the idea is that my testing procedure is some what like, the sensors are places in a temperature Chamber , with signal wires comming out .First I need to measure the sensor signals hence the chanel A (Output of deMux) which is connected to the 16:1 mux and I can select indivisual sensor and measure the signal. Next step is to increase the temp to certain value but during this time the sensor signals need to be shorted as you can see in the block diagram. Once the temp is reached and after some settling time I again have to change to channel A and measure the sensor signals.

I came up with ADG774a ( its a pretty good MUX/DeMux solution but if there is any other suggestion of how to handle the shortening of signals and then changing then back to measure the signals of sensor.

So problem is fairly simple .. each sensor has four signal to measure its RLC values but during the time when I am increasing the temp in the chamber they all need to be shorted and once temp reached and again for testing they should not be shorted .. soo hence my simple design with ADG774a to solve this problem. but I want to know what are more better options to do such a task.

Best Regards


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Hi guys just to follow up with simpler question

I am working with two sensors now with 4 pin as output. My question is simple I want to make circuit that allows me to short circuit the output of the sensors when needed. So operation is simple normally the output are not short but when I need I can short all 4 outputs. Now the solution in my mind is using a quad 1:2 demux (AGD774a) short channel B together and keep the other channel A as it is. So when I want the channel for normal measurement I use channel A and when I want output of sensor shorted I change the channel of the switch. But I want to ask is there a even better way of doing this simple task. As it can be seen on the image attached to my previous post.

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