sensor for pic to measure water level

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Dear chandresha1,
I feel that your experience is good on this
first of all I need to order ultrasonic sensor and have to do some research
I already odder sensor from your link
I will come back to you
let me know how do you measure the pulses from the sensor

ok. first of all i want to tell u that u dont need to measure the pulses. u need to measure the "hightime" of echo pulse. i measure this using timer0 in pic16f877a.. the program seems like that:

int cont;
void interrupt()

void main()
trisd.b0=0; //trigger pin output.......
trisd.b1=1; // echo pin as input......
while(portd.b1==0); wait u
TMR0 = 110; // preset for timer register
OPTION_REG.PSA = 1; // bit 3 Prescaler Assignment bit.
OPTION_REG.PS2 = 0; // bits 2-0 PS2S0: Prescaler Rate Select bits
cont=cont/2; // distance is travelled twice from transmitter towater & water to transmiiter so devide by 2.

while choosing the preload value of must be taken about ur crystal frequency. i have crystal frequency of 20mhz.

Dear chandresha1
they replied that they do not have sensor
can I know online purchasing web site to buy ultrasonic sensor

I am struck with purchasing ultrasonic Distance measurement sensor
please advice to purchase online a sensor at low price ( one unit) with shipping

Dear chandresha;
I tried to purchase ultrasonic distance measurement sensor, unfortunately I can not order it
but it is possible to buy ultrasonic transducer
see link RS | Process Control | Sensors and Transducers | Ultrasonic Proximity Sensors | Ultrasonic Transducers |MA40S4R
can you advice me using this how may I implement my project

i have seen your link. but it is only ultrasonic trasmitter & receiver. so if u purchase this one, you have to implement oscillator module & other signal conditioning part at ur side. & i think it will become more complex. i dont have any experience on this ultrasonic module. search in your local market........may be u will find the ultrasonic that i preffered u..........
Dear chandresha;
following link contain ultrasonic sensor model no: GH 311
please advice me, is this sensor able to connect with PIC 16f877 to measure distance
it has only three pin. also available in the our country
**broken link removed**

hey actuly it looks good but the information is not enough. my question is where is the trigger pin? it has three pins. one is Vcc, second ground & third is output. in my sensor there is one another pin called trigger. & we need this one. & there is one another notice at the end of page is: This module can not be used for distance measurement. so i think it will not work.
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Dear All,
I need to measure water amount (in liter) in the domestic water tank
anybody should knows about sensor that cat input to PIC. it should be cheapest and simple mechanism

its a simple problem,..just use a potentiometer,..if u dnt understand just read the instrumentation book,..and u finally found that is really easy,..its upon to your program, ADC,..

Dear All,
I have purchased ultrasonic distance sensor which has five pins

1. Vcc
2. Gnd
5. out

can I know, pin connection with 16f877 , if I measure distance (circuit diagram)?


trig to ccp1 of MCU pin 33 of 16f877
echo to INT of MCU pin 16 of 16f877

is above correct

Hello chandresha1,

I have a question regarding this sensor . How are you protecting it from the elements (rain, wind etc)? I would like to put this sensor on the top of the tank and aim it towards the tank bottom. However I figure if I enclose this in a weather proof case with a lens, that the ultrasonic signal will only reflect back into the enclosure.

Any information from your experience would be greatly appreciated,

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