[PIC] Sending data from PIC to PIC

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Mar 24, 2011
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I want to send A/D 10 bit data from 8 PIn 12F675 to 16F883 PIC. Only two outputs pins are available in 12F675. Can some one please give me an examples of a C code for this ?

best regards

Since the 12F675 doesn't have any serial peripherals (SPI, UART etc.) you're going to have to create your own in software. If you're not stuck with that processor, you should probably consider using one with the necessary features.

Can you please mention the method to be followed to send A/D data via a pin to other microcontroller. What I though is to make one pin high and send data via other pin. I am stuck in wrting the C code to decode and store data from recieving end.


What good does making "one pin high" do? You've got several options: 1) Use a proper micro with a UART or SPI or I2C. 2) Use a clocked protocol, where you use one line as a clock and the other for data (this presents clock-domain-crossing issues which I'm not going into here). 3) Create a UART in software (I said that already) which would be ASYNCHRONOUS and would require only one line.
yes you can use controller having internal I2C or any other communication protocol and if you wanna to stick with this controller use software protocols to handle communication and i think I2C or SPI will better for you. i will recommnd this protocols.

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