Sending data from Arduino-SM5100B (cellular) to a computer

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Newbie level 4
Jun 19, 2012
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I'm looking to take hourly temperature sensor readings from an Arduino Uno R3 and send them via GSM cellular with an SM5100B to my Windows 7 computer.

(FYI: The ultimate goal would be for the computer to then take this data and add it to a new line in a spreadsheet, but first things first.)

MY QUESTION: Can you offer either:
  • some resources on projects that have accomplished this OR
  • suggest a way for a computer to parse SMS or similar cellular data

I haven't used cellular with Arduino before, but have been learning through **broken link removed** and **broken link removed**.

The second one is nearly perfect to what I'm trying to accomplish, but it sends SMS to his phone instead of a computer.

I also read this 2-post-long-thread on the same issue, but I don't understand the "solution" of using GPRS commands.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.


for parsing sms data to computer,a suggestion would be to send the sms to a phone which is connected to computer with bluetooth or usb cable.
to achieve that goal you need to write a program for the phone(either java,android...) to send the recieved sms from the special phone number and then send the data to computer and on computer you can right a program (either java ,c,...) to save the recieved data on a speardsheet
i don't know about c, but with java you can wirte data to speardsheet directly.
hopr this helps

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