You have a few hurdles to accomplish:
(a) make the uC wifi recognize the laptop's radio signal,
(b) run the needed program on the laptop which will broadcast command codes,
(c) run the needed routine on the uC which will receive those commands.
Obtain a free program called NetStumbler, a utility which detects local wireless broadcasts. Run it on your laptop and see if it detects your microcontroller's wifi.
If it does, then you will need to adjust a bunch of settings. These are the protocols for wireless networking.
I cannot advise about how to adjust settings on your uC's wifi module.
My experience is limited to a few ordinary computers and ordinary networking (ethernet and wireless). I have not used Hyperterminal.
Expect it to be time-consuming, to set up the system and get it to work.
If you are very lucky you will hit on the right combination to activate your uC's wifi module.