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will anybod enlighten me in sending AT command to the cellphone. i have tried the hyperterminal with an MBUS/FBUS DLR-3p cable (home made) to nokia 7110, 5110 and 3310 GSM phone.
as i know that MBUS uses 9600 baud half duplex mode and the FBUS use 19200 full duplex mode, but so far still failed in receiving a reply from the phone when i send AT commnad ( throuhg hyperterminal). i ve also been trying to program at MCU pic16f877a using the serout2 and serin2 command of picbasic pro but still fails in recieving "OK" when send "AT" command
any help suggestions are welcome.
as i know that MBUS uses 9600 baud half duplex mode and the FBUS use 19200 full duplex mode, but so far still failed in receiving a reply from the phone when i send AT commnad ( throuhg hyperterminal). i ve also been trying to program at MCU pic16f877a using the serout2 and serin2 command of picbasic pro but still fails in recieving "OK" when send "AT" command
any help suggestions are welcome.