send data or char 4m hyperterminal to lcd using 89c51

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I see in your code that in displayValue() function LCD data port is referred as DATA and you are assigning value of value to DATA, So, you should use #define DATA P2
can u edit that changes for my code?
and u see my crtk that is correct or need some modification?

Are you simulating in real hardware? In the code you have set baudrate 9600 bps and you have to use the same baudrate in hyperterminal. Is you MAX232 Ok? Are you getting garbage data on LCD? Try with the v2 file I have posted in my last post. Can you post your MAX232 circuit?
yes jay .i was set baudrate in hyperterminal 9600/databit 8bit/parity none/flow control none .
yes i have max 232 .
i didn't get any data on lcd only getting my name ronakpatell .
and i have some ttl/232 board that also i m using.and
another that nsk board have circuit .

- - - Updated - - -

still not working i can't able to show hypereterminal data on lcd.

Post the screenshot of hyperterminal. I don't have hyperterminal. There should be a invert check box. Are you sending ASCII data to MCU?
yes i just opne the hyperterminal and then select the port and set all baudrates,parity,bit,flow .
after that go in properties >ASCII Setup>Echo typed char. locally

There should be a invert check box.
There isn't an invert option with Hyperterminal or other standard terminal programs, e.g. Putty. What should be it's meaning?

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